Ayurvedic weight loss tips

Thinking about losing weight?

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions each year is to lose weight. In the next several posts we will discuss various tips for weight loss from Ayurvedic medicine. We will discuss issues of diet, how to eat, lifestyle, stress, and other areas, because all of these actually impact one’s weight.

To begin with, let’s start with the subject of water. To maintain a healthy weight each person needs to maintain a healthy Agni, or digestive fire. There are different types of Agni but the most important one is centered in the stomach, and responsible for digesting our food and controlling the pace of metabolism.

How does this relate to water? The first way is actually related to water temperature. Ayurveda always recommends having warm water, and suggests avoiding ice or chilled water. The reason is that cold water dampens and weakens the Agni while warm water supports it.

When one is trying to lose weight, the Agni should be strengthened and supported in order to boost metabolism and improve digestion of food. In fact some Ayurvedic practitioners start with just having warm water as part of a weight-loss program for new patients.

The water does not necessarily have to be boiled, just heated until it’s warm. If the water is heated and then cooled it is still better to drink from the Agni perspective than water that is cold or has never been heated.

We’ll continue our exploration in the next post…



  1. Ash January 14, 2011 at 3:30 pm - Reply

    Does drinking water on empty stomach first thing in the morning help lose weight?

  2. Physical Therapy Supplies September 2, 2011 at 4:19 am - Reply

    Diet means to have a food in a good routine basis to have a good diet and to loose unwanted fat is to eat green vegetables and fruits on a daily routine basis. Also a daily routine exercise makes a body in a good tone. I would like to suggest you to have a running in early morning and take fresh juices everyday as well as vegetables. It will surely make your body fit and remove unwanted fat.

    Physical Therapy Supplies

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