While the liver is one of the least sexy organs to talk about, there is no doubt that it plays an incredibly important and underappreciated role in your health.
Your liver makes over 10,000 enzymes and over 1000 biochemicals that …
Read moreWhile the liver is one of the least sexy organs to talk about, there is no doubt that it plays an incredibly important and underappreciated role in your health.
Your liver makes over 10,000 enzymes and over 1000 biochemicals that …
Read moreDoctors have discovered a new ligament in the human knee.
It’s amazing that we are continuing to learn new things about the human body every day, even about parts that were thought to be pretty well understood such as the …
Read moreOil-pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy which involves holding vegetable oil in the mouth for ten-fifteen minutes and then spitting out the oil. In Ayurveda, oil-pulling has been used to strengthen the teeth, gums and jaws and also to prevent …
Read moreIt’s a little harder to stay balanced during the wintertime with colder weather, shorter days, less sunlight, more viruses prevalent, etc. Luckily Ayurveda has some helpful tips to keep us healthy:
1. Use heating spices to help balance Kapha, the …
Read moreSome people swear by a 100% raw food diet, but is it for everyone? In Ayurvedic medicine, all things are individualized– so the answer is that it is not good for everyone.
The general recommendation is that less processed food …
Read moreEver heard about fenugreek?
Fenugreek seeds are small, slightly irregular shaped, yellow-beige in color, and have a strong, bitter taste. The pungent taste makes fenugreek well suited to its traditional in curries and other spice mixes. Fenugreek has a long …
Read moreIn Ayurvedic medicine, Ghee (clarified butter) has a special place. It is considered a grounding, calming food that is good for people from all 3 doshas. It is also beneficial and gradually stimulating Agni, the digestive fire that is essential …
Read moreToday I’ll be answering a question from one of our readers: Is it safe to cook with olive oil, or can that create harmful trans fats?
From the perspective of integrative medicine, extra virgin olive oil (preferably organic 1st coldpressed) …
Read moreYou may have heard in the news about turmeric, a “new” healing superfood.
Turmeric has been used in Indian cooking for thousands of years. The rhizome or root of the plant is ground into a powder to create the yellow …
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