PROMOTION – 90% off e-book

For 5 days only, my book The Paleovedic Diet is available at 90% off normal price, at the deeply discounted price of $1.99! At 306 pages that works out to just half a penny per page! 

You can find it at the following locations:


Barnes & Noble

Apple Itunes store


The book includes 53 recipes and many practical tips that you can start implementing today to increase your energy and improve your health.

This promotional price ends on May 9 so get your copy today!

If you have a chance please post a review after reading the book.



  1. Mala June 3, 2016 at 6:04 pm - Reply

    I love the book. It is healthy eating with a healthy dose of ancient wisdom. I am half Asian Indian and, after being somewhat of a skeptic the first half of my life, have found such jewels of wisdom in spices and healing. I use my own Kitchari recipe, but he is spot on regarding eating for health.

    • oskyadmin June 28, 2016 at 11:38 am - Reply

      thank you so much for your feedback Mala!

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