If mankind could change the genes of any organism at will, then medicine and health would be completely transformed—and life as we know it would change completely. That day is here, with the development of CRISPR, a breathtaking new gene …
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Ginger – Natural Cure for Menstrual Cramps
Almost 90% of women around the world at some point have severely painful menstrual periods, known as dysmenorrhea. This can lead to lost productivity estimated at $2 billion annually.
Menstrual pain is partially explained by the increased production of hormones …
Read moreGot Allergies? 5 Natural Ways to Feel Better
Over 50 million Americans struggle with seasonal allergies. Chronic inflammation and imbalance in the immune system are some of the underlying root causes. Spring time is often the most difficult and my patients are seeking out natural alternatives to relieve …
Read moreFasting Research awarded Nobel Prize
The 2016 Nobel prize for medicine was awarded to Japanese scientist Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi for his research on autophagy, a process that occurs during fasting.
Autophagy means to “self eat”. It is the process by which the human body consumes …
Read moreHow to Build up a Child’s Microbiome
The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in all aspects of human health. One question that I get a lot from parents is how to build up their child’s microbiome.
During a child’s first 3 years, the microbiome is dynamic …
Read moreBPA – Health Risks and Dangers (and why to also avoid BPA-free products!)
BPA (Bisphenol-A) is a pervasive chemical found in plastics worldwide that is being increasingly recognized as a cause of adverse health effects. BPA is part of a class of chemicals known as Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) that have especially damaging …
Read moreYoga – 12 Scientifically Proven Benefits
You know that yoga will make you flexible and strong but did you know that it has many other incredible health benefits? Research in yoga is quite advanced and this evidence-based review reveals 12 proven benefits for mind and body:…
Read moreCoconut Egg Curry Recipe
This recipe combines 2 of the healthiest foods on the planet: coconut and eggs. Coconut has unique healthy fats not found in other foods, and can help with brain function, boosting metabolism, and fat burning. Eggs are an excellent …
Read moreBurn more fat with High-Intensity Interval Training
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is one of the best ways to efficiently burn fat, lose weight, and improve your fitness. You can get more benefits than a traditional cardio workout and in just a fraction of the time. It’s important …
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