High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an approach that mimics the physical activity pattern of hunter-gatherers. Research has shown that HIIT leads to equal or superior gains in cardiovascular health and fitness when compared to traditional cardio, but takes only a …
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Cardio May Not Help with Weight Loss
Trying to lose weight? Doing “traditional cardio” may not be the best approach.
To be clear, if you’re completely sedentary, traditional cardio can be hugely beneficial and will improve your blood pressure, blood sugar, and lipid profile; however, studies show …
Read morePROMOTION – 90% off e-book
For 5 days only, my book The Paleovedic Diet is available at 90% off normal price, at the deeply discounted price of $1.99! At 306 pages that works out to just half a penny per page!
You can find it …
Read moreDangers of Toxic Chocolate
Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, has many health benefits including antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and polyphenols that support heart health. But a recent study found a significant health risk in many chocolate products – toxic heavy metals like lead and cadmium.…
Read moreScientists Grow Full-Size Heart in Lab from Stem Cells
In these posts, I often talk about ancient wisdom and traditional systems of healing like Ayurveda. However, I get equally excited about the latest discoveries in medical research.
Recently, scientists were able to grow a full-size human heart in the …
Read moreHeartburn – 12 Clinically Proven Natural Cures
Heartburn or acid reflux is a widespread problem affecting millions of people daily. Unfortunately, studies have shown that commonly prescribed heartburn medications like Nexium, Prilosec, and Prevacid are associated with serious long-term side effects, including increased risk of …
Read moreAll About Beets – Unknown Superfoods
Beets are one of my favorite foods and a key component of The Paleovedic Diet. Beets are loaded with multiple antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cancer-fighting nutrients that help your body detoxify and perform optimally.
Rare and Unique Nutrients
Beets have …
Read moreDangers of Arsenic in Rice Worldwide
Arsenic is a heavy metal that is a known carcinogen (cancer-causing chemical) and also has adverse effects on the immune system and other body functions. Did you know that arsenic has been found in different types of rice?
A Consumer …
Read moreVata-Balancing Recipe: Baked Butternut Squash with Walnuts
In Ayurveda all medicine is local. It must be individualized and tailored to each person’s setting and environment. Right now in San Francisco it’s cold and windy, which tends to disturb Vata. Mark Twain once said “The coldest winter I …
Read moreAyurvedic weight loss tips
Thinking about losing weight?
One of the most common New Year’s resolutions each year is to lose weight. In the next several posts we will discuss various tips for weight loss from Ayurvedic medicine. We will discuss issues of diet, …
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